Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I see I have a follower! This post is notify all my readers that I will be switching this blog to a different one: Poynting Heavenward at

Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Life Hacking

My new life-hack philosophy is "purge, purge, purge, and when you're done with that, purge some more." This is partially because I'm just about the laziest person I know, and throwing the stuff out (or recycling it, or donating it) is much easier than organizing it. Once it's in the bin, I'll never have to sort it again. I've also been recently inspired by Fr. Dubay's book Happy Are You Poor. It's amazing, even if it does point out blatant weaknesses.

Another reading that's inspired me to make do with less is G.K. Chesterton's essay "To Frances..." These readings, together with a general outcry to "live simply" make me want to rid the house of more and more and write maxims on the few things I keep to make them all the more beautiful, if they are also ugly.